
Data privacy statement

(Customer data is used solely for order processing, no registration, no payment details).

When visiting our site, only access data without any individual reference is stored which helps us improve our offer and which does not allow any personal identification.

The personal data provided beyond this is only used, without your separate permission, for the completion and processing of your order. The details are forwarded to the transport company and credit institute handling your order / purchase payment. After this, the data is blocked for any further use and deleted after the expiration of the retention periods relating to tax and commercial law. The data is not passed on to third parties or used for advertising purposes.

You are entitled to the free information, blocking, deletion or correction of your saved data.

If you have any questions on how your data is collected and used, please contact:


In so far as your computer has been set so as to accept cookies, these are used on our site. These are text files which are saved on your end device and which enable an exchange of data with our system. This exchange makes the use of our website easier as certain details do not need to be repeatedly entered. Session cookies: these are deleted after the end of the browser session. Persistent cookies: these remain on your device so that your browser can be identified during the next session. This means you do not have to enter your password again or repeatedly complete forms with your customer data. You can set your browser so that it informs you about cookies and whether they should be stored or not. If you do not accept the cookies, it may prevent the website from working correctly.